Friday, July 10, 2009

First Day on the Job...

Today was a glorious day! We started with devotion in the meeting room at the hotel. Mike taught us the importance of addressing our Honduran brothers and sisters as Bendecidos “blessed ones”. This makes perfect sense as the congregation down here holds firm to the words of Paul in Ephesians 3:1 “Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ who has blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ.

We began to work on the church building under cool cloudy skies… even with the haze above us the temperature was still quite warm… Task number one was to build a septic tank around the back of the church. 10 feet square and 12 feet deep… the fill from the area needed to be moved into the church to raise the level of the floor… this took many shovels full and lots of wheelbarrow trips. We rested and had a breakfast of beans, eggs, and fresh handmade tortillas.

As the morning progressed the final layer of blocks went across the top of the church building. The blocks got to thier palce via block lines by our hands. Next, the columns went up around the parameter. These wooden columns needed to be filled with lots of mezcla (cement), which was mixed by hand of course, and carried by bucket line to get the cement where it needed to be.

We took another break for lunch then got back at it.

The sun appeared after lunch making the area HOT, but that didn't stop the shoveling and transferring of dirt which continued all afternoon...

One by one all of the support columns were filled with cement and the team looked on at the building with triumph in our hearts for the work God is doing.

After a hard days work some went swimming in the pool back at the hotel before dinner… everyone is well and we are looking forward to another productive day tomorrow and the start of VBS for the kids…


  1. You guys look great - and you're working soooo hard. Nice work folks! The pictures are so good to see. It's nice to see Becca again - we've missed you. Hannah you look good shoveling dirt - we miss you and dad so much. Keep working hard and we look forward to tomorrow's pictures.
    Tons of love from Jamie, Miles and Brooke

  2. Looks like the church will be roofed in no time at all. Maybe you could just have everyone stomp around in the cement like grapes to mix it (LOL). A lot of work, but looks like a lot of love going into the building. We pray that everyone stays healthy and no one gets sick. Watch out for those two girls. They are serious about those shovels. Gonna throw more cement than the boys are :-)
    Hope there is enough pain killers to go around after today... Ken and Renee Wolfrom

  3. Whew! That looks like a lot of hard work. Hope you all get rest tonight. We're praying for the Holy Spirit to guide and direct you and for God to keep you all healthy. yummmm...homemade tortillas. = )
    Love~ Cheryl, Lindsay & Ben

  4. Wow, I am so warmly blessed to see all of you out there and to be able to follow along like this. Awesome! I saw so many familiar faces over and above staff of CBC and I wish I could be there with you. Hi Chris - who is your roomy this year? It was awesome rooming with you the last time we went together. My prayers are with you all Bendecidos all my hermanas y hermanos. Love you all. Stay healthy and safe as I know you will with the Lord's arms keeping you tightly held in protection. Peace be with you.

  5. I'm amazed what God's love in the hearts of a few faithful is able to accomplish. I will pray that the VBS will be richly rewarding for all involved. My prayers are with all of you, but especially for my mom, Anita Ashby. Please watch over her. I was worried about her going, but I know she is in good hands with all of you.

    May the peace and love of our Lord be with all of you.
    Pam Gadziala

  6. I wrote this prayer fot the 2005 team and have continued to use it for all the teams that followed. I pray this prayer daily for you too.

    God Bless you all, Connie.

    Dear Heavenly Father,
    We thank You Lord for Your constant protection from the ever-present hits from the enemy and there are so many to battle each day,Lord. I pray, Lord, that we see them no matter what we are going through at the time. Make us aware, Lord.

    Help us to remember that it is Satan that makes us sick and that You will make us well again, he knocks us down and You lift us back up with your loving arms-Thank You Jesus!

    You constantly give us the hope and peace that we need to fight off his efforts to create fear and worry in us. We know he is working hard at making our lives seem upside down during this time. In Your name we've got his attention and he is stomping mad at his lack of power over us. Help us, Lord as we keep our eyes focused on You, Father, and we thank You for the strength and endurance You pour into us. Thank You for the encouragement You give us in the many blessings we receive from You daily.

    You show us that You are with us every minute, caring for us and helping us to cope with every stone the enenmy slings at us. For You are the ROCK and in Your name we smash his little stones with Your MIGHTY ROCK and stand firm against whatever storm he puts in our path as he tries to keep us from doing Your work, not only in Honduras but alwso duing our travels and we trust in You that they will all be crushed under Your great power.

    You are so powerful and so great and we praise You and Your greatness. We put our trust in you and our faith in You is strong.

    We know that You are preparing each one of us for a particular task on our mission trip and that each one of us will be used by You in a unique and precious way, designed especialy for our specific gifts, and we look forward to discovering what that is while bringing glory to Your name.

    We give our minds, bodies, hearts and souls up to You for Your complete use. This is our desire, Lord. Bless us, each and everyone Father and please continue to protect and keep us and also our families safe.

    We love You and it is in Jesus'name we pray - Amen! and Amen!
