Saturday, July 11, 2009

Day two on the site

We started the day off with more great devotion and jumped in the vans for the site. Upon arrival we all began to work on the site in the hot morning sun.

The septic tank has come along but was still only half way to 12 feet.

We took a quick pause to eat some fritas – fried pancake discs topped with syrup… they were great! The sisters in the kitchen work so hard to feed us – along with the workers there has to be 75 people to feed twice a day…

Of course dish duty is no small task after each meal either…

Work continued on the site as some of us began to prepare for VBS… The puppet stage is a tricky task each year… this time was no different…
VBS was awesome, about 80 kids came for songs, games, and a bible story brought by the puppets. The laughter and joy in their eyes blesses us so much…
After the story and some prayer time we did a craft to help them remember the details of the story… even the older boys got into the craft which was so cool to see…
Today was a special day as many who have served with Pastor Tino, the regional pastor over the 30 churches in this area, pooled their money to buy him a truck. He devotes a lot of time to the leaders all over the area. He helps them to develop strong Christ loving congregations and via motorcycle, always in the heat and often in the pouring rain. Pastor Rob, Deanne and Allan sat him down and told him of the gift – he was truly overjoyed and greatful to God and his brothers and sisters in Christ…
In the afternoon Pastor Humberto was en route to come for Pastor Rob when he got stopped in Planes. There was a peaceful demonstration that caused the road to be closed.
But as we all know God’s work can’t be stopped so Rob walked through the blockade and met Humberto on the other side…
Back at the site we saw much progress as the heat of the afternoon wore on us. The pulpet got buit as the floor was leveled.

The horizontal support columns got framed with wood and poured to dry overnight…
And septic tank got deeper...

close but still not 12 feet...

It’s so great to work side by side with our Honduran brothers and sisters… Language seems to be no barrier for the relationships we are sharing… Glory to God it was a good day!

Chris S. did get sick last night and had to stay back... please pray that it will pass and that God would settle his stomach.


  1. It's great to stay connected with all of you. What a privilege to serve God together! From Pastor Scott's message this weekend from John 12 thanks for the ways you're expressing the love of God. You're extravagantly expressing his love! We'll be praying for Chris and for others to remain healthy! Blessings & prayers, Kathleen

  2. Still loving seeing you guys on this blog. Can't get enough. Thanks for all the great pictures. Fun to see Hannah and Becca measuring the depth of the septic tank - how many high school girls can say they've done that???!!! The sweetest picture is of Pastor Rob with Pastor Tino - that is a tear jerker - very very nice. We are keeping Chris in prayer that he will be healed quickly, and praying protection over the rest of the team too. Love you guys - Jamie, Miles and Brooke

  3. This is so awesome! I feel like I am there with you. Having done many of those things I can so relate and deeply feel the love, emotions, weather, joy and closeness to God with you. Thanks for the pics and rich descriptions showing God's presence with you in that place. Perhaps you can publish this when you get back. I'd buy one. My oh My - That septic tank is a hilarious addition to the tasks at hand. I would have jumped down into to that hole and started digging away - I love to dig and use the shovel as some of you might remember. You can now say that you have gone to the depths for the Lord. Love and Blessings, Connie

  4. Truly cannot get enough... Although I am not a member of your church, your pictures & stories are uplifting. It is inspirational to see all the helping hands of the young & old, working to lift up the Lord! I am selfishly following this blog to keep an eye on my future son in law Christopher Shendrick. However, we are not forgetting to pray for the entire team of CBC Honduras 09. Speaking of Chris, can you please post information about why he was sick & how he is feeling? Thank You very much, Valerie Jo Evans

  5. Thank you so much for helping us walk along with you on this amazing journey. I can't wait to see all your pictures! I am also loking forward to the many stories of unexpected blessing that come from this trip.
    Much love and lots of hugs from home, Sarah Rohde

  6. Just a correction to my comment above... Hannah says it's Kat in the septic pit with her. Oooops. I need new glasses. Can't wait to see what is posted today. Love, Jamie
