Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Day 5 on the site...

Today was a hot one… 99 degrees first thing in the morning! The churches exterior was basically complete so it was time to pour the interior floor.

This meant mezcla (cement) and lots of it. We mixed about 3 piles before breakfast.

Today we had traditional tacos. Refried beans, scrambled eggs topped with central American sour cream (mantequilla)

After a quick break for breakfast we got right back to cement mixing.

We all took a turn mixing as the others began to get exhausted.

And of course we moved the cement by bucket line...

The process of pouring the floor is pretty cool – they line to floor with 1X2 planks and run the cement in between them. It takes an unbelievable amount of cement to fill a floor like this so we mixed and mixed and mixed.

Meanwhile in the kitchen some helped the sisters make tortillas… lets see… 75 people, 3 tortillas each… 225 hand made tortillas just for one lunch…

I can’t even imagine how many cups of rice are in the pot…

We almost finished pouring the floor before lunch…

While we were busy pouring the floor the brothers finished building the outhouse, quite a luxury to have at a church.

The young brothers helped mix the top coat of cement by hand.

After the top coat went on smooth, dye crystals were spread over the surface to give the floor some decoration.

We are staying in the city of Tocoa. It is a pretty thriving little hub on the north coast.

Some went to the vegetable stand today to buy some goods for upcoming meals. With the fields just miles away it doesn’t get much fresher than this…

After some free time to chill we went for a nice dinner… it was a splendid and productive day…


  1. ...stand and see this great thing, which the Lord will do before your eyes...1Sam 12:16.

    ...(Be) confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ...Phil 1:6.

    And He is completing it in you for sure and in those who have gone before you He also continues to improve on what He started I am so blessed to see!

    Unbelievable accomplishments for man but with God all things are possible - Wow! Once again you have had such an amazing day full of Godhap's and your pictures and descriptions of what you are doing is touching me in an awesome way.

    I remember doing all of that with blessed memories and have similar pics in my own photo albums.

    I also remember with warm and fuzzy memories of using my little bit of Spanish to connect with those who were working, eating or worshiping alongside me, and the excitement of actually really accomplishing that to a small degree.

    As you already know God makes the communication freely flow between everyone anyway as relationships are built through Him even if you don't speak a word of the actual language but it is still exciting when you click in that department once in a while.

    Watch out for scary critters as you dig, dig, dig like snakes or tarantulas. I remember those too! :)

    God bless you all as you joyfully serve Him with all your heart and all your soul and with all your mind and all your strength. You are all beautiful to Him and His love glows over you in the pictures too.

    Blessings, Connie

  2. Hello all, It looks like it is all downhill from here. The last findspot signal that I received is from Palma Real at 1:41pm so you just arrived at the hotel. Enjoy the rest of your stay in Honduras and I hope to see you all this weekend. Bendecidos...........Manny
