Sunday, July 12, 2009

Day 3 on the site...

Today started again under cool skies… we did a bit of work on the site then stopped for a hearty breakfast… There was quite a bit of help on the site today so the sisters made sure to prepare sufficient food for everyone…
Just as we got back to work on the site and the breakfast dishes began to get washed a random downpour stopped just about all work… we all took shelter under whatever roof we could get under to wait out the storm.

The time to start VBS came and went and many children came down to the area in the pouring rain waiting for the program to start. We ended up finding a nice covered porch in the neighborhood that would house the kids.

Again 80 little ones joined us for a fun time of song, dance, bible verses, and crafts… They praise God with everything they’ve got… it is so cute to watch and take in.

Back on the site the trusses went up one by one and more dirt got moved one bucket at a time to fill in low spots around the church.

Noon came and under full sun we had a delicious fried fish lunch

Once we were full there was more work to be done around the church… Some continued with the never ending septic tank

Half the roof got nailed down onto the trusses

Somehow a few just stood around pretending to look important…

Brother Uriel did however give us the thumbs up for a day’s good work…

We hit the road for the hotel feeling great about the day’s accomplishments.

After a time of rest and cleaning up, we all met in the lobby to go for dinner.

They actually feed us very well down here. Tonight we had gringas which are like chicken quesadillas with no cheese… everyone was happy with the meal

Well almost everyone…

We got to go for ice cream tonight which was a cool treat on a hot humid night. The team is enjoying each others company and delighting in what God is doing at the church and within our hearts…


  1. We had a great Sunday at CBC. Mike & Tom and the worship team led us in some great worship songs. Scott did a wonderful job with 3 more messages, challenging us to consider what it looks like for us to have extravagant expressions of love for him. Oh, and the photo directories are here and being distributed! Awesome week at VBS, 300+ kids & 40 decisions for Christ. Backyard BBQ is next Saturday. And of course, you guys serving in Honduras!

    I'm so glad God provided you with an alternate spot for VBS. And the septic tank dig is quite impressive. Just wondering, how do you get in and out? It was hot here today but we know nothing like the humid heat you guys are in. Praying for unity, strength and health for the for you!

    Prayers & love to all of you, Kathleen

  2. And the Lord said, My Presence shall go with you, and I will give you rest. Ex 31:14.

    This was God's reply to Moses when he asked about the particulars of the mission he had been given and how he could get to know God better. God simply assured Moses that His presence would be with him and give him rest. This was considered by God to be a great privilege. To Him, it was all that Moses needed.

    So, if that was true for Moses it is true for you. As much as you would like to know God's plans and ways for you and the people you are serving there in Honduras, all you really need to know is that His presence will be with you wherever He sends you and in whatever He gives you to do... Like digging a 12' septic tank hole in the hard ground or swinging heavy buckets of dirt, eating strange foods you aren't familiar with, getting sick in another country, or improvising to meet the needs of 80 children who came to you in the pouring rain to hear about God and feel His love through you.

    So when or if you sometimes get concerned that things aren't going the way you think they should, just remember that God's presence is with you and enjoy the rest He promised to give you. Especially after a day like day three.

    You are all wonderfully blessed and so are those around you and must surly already know it but through you so am I and many others who are watching how you are being used by God in a far away land. You are great witnesses to the Lord - God Bless you as you already are.

    Blessings, Connie

  3. "Let the little children come to me,
    and do not hinder them,for the kingdom of God
    belongs to such as these
    Mark 10:12

    How great to see the enthusiasm of VBS there.
    Even while building the church building, all of you are also builing His Church one child at a time.
    Loving this pictures. Very funny that the smallest girls are now 12 feet down, and digging. I can only imagine the hard work to fill up buckets and pull them up to complete the septic tank. Hope no more rains come before you can cover it,though. Other wise you will have the swimming pool on site, instead of havng to go back to the hotel :-)
    All of you take care, and we are all praying for the harvest and everyones good health.
    Ken and Renee Wolfrom
